Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Stairs


I live in two story house and one of my most favorite things to do is play on the stairs. I play with my toys and challenge my humans to races. I always win; I get to the top and bottom first! Walking on two legs must really slow a person down.

Today was an unusually boring day! The only thing of interest is that I have been losing teeth. Mom says it’s just baby teeth and not to worry but how would she like it if her teeth just fell out of her mouth and bleed while she was playing games and eating. Since they aren't terribly worried, like I feel they should be, I keep leaving in places that increase the likely hood they will step on them. Serves them right to get poked by my beautiful discarded teeth.

I better get going before my human finds me, mom's been sick and sneezy. I sure hope I don't catch what she has but I sure love finding and tearing up her kleenex.


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