Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Stairs


I live in two story house and one of my most favorite things to do is play on the stairs. I play with my toys and challenge my humans to races. I always win; I get to the top and bottom first! Walking on two legs must really slow a person down.

Today was an unusually boring day! The only thing of interest is that I have been losing teeth. Mom says it’s just baby teeth and not to worry but how would she like it if her teeth just fell out of her mouth and bleed while she was playing games and eating. Since they aren't terribly worried, like I feel they should be, I keep leaving in places that increase the likely hood they will step on them. Serves them right to get poked by my beautiful discarded teeth.

I better get going before my human finds me, mom's been sick and sneezy. I sure hope I don't catch what she has but I sure love finding and tearing up her kleenex.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

My paws have been busy, sorry for the lack of updates. I had to travel with my humans! We went to New Mexico, for a funeral. It was all very sad, my mom's grandpa died and her aunt had a stroke.

While they were out doing funeral stuff, I stayed at my Granny's house. I remember that place! I lived there the first few weeks of my life. I roamed around and sniffed out my old spots.

When everyone came back, I had a blast. Loads of people to play with and I got so much attention and affection. At night we stayed in a hotel and I was a bit on edge. I barked at all the unfamiliar noises and explored the room.On our last night there, a piece of paper was slipped under out door at 4:30am it startled me! I barked, woke up my humans and they praised me for being such a good watch dog!

I was frightened but they thought I was warning them. Silly bipedal people

Bow wow

Monday, September 7, 2009

Escape Artist

Today was eventful, fun and exciting. My humans went out and left me alone. Normally when they leave I howl and pretend to cry so they will feel horrible and take me with them, today I didn't because I had a plan.

When they leave they put me in the bathroom in the master suite. They place a baby gate in the doorway, trapping me in. As soon as they left today, I pushed and pushed up against the gate until it wobbled and a small part of it gave way. I squeezed out thru the opening.

Freedom is so sweet. I never had the entire house to myself and it was time to explore. First, I ran thru all the bedrooms, climbed down the first flight of stairs and pooped on the landing. That will teach them to leave me.

I then ran downstairs, jumped on the sofa and contemplated chewing on the library books but then my eyes opened wide and I remembered mom's delicious bookmarker. I leaned over the sofa, climbed onto the end table and snatched the bookmarker, jumped off the sofa and started to nibble on it with glee.

I got in a few nibbles and then the horror. I heard the garage door open. I brushed back my hair and ran to the door. They came into the house and I did a sneak attack. Looked adorable and giving them loads of kisses.

I was so cute, I didn't get in trouble, in fact they were so impressed with me. Can't wait to do it again!


Friday, September 4, 2009

The Sofa Incident

Today  I got caught on their "precious" sofa. You see I am only allowed on it when they put up a "special"blanket but I prefer the pillows. I tried to look as cute and innocent as possible. Mom snapped a photo of me as evidence.
The way I see it is, if they leave the room, anything is fair game. That includes the sofa, any and all pillows, basically anything in my reach. I am currently typing from inside what they call my house but if you ask me it is a cage with some blankets and toys in it.

I better go it is almost dinner time and I sure am hungry. Maybe tonight I can get table scraps. That has never happened but a dog can wish, can't he?
Bow Wow...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Post.

Hello faithful followers, 

My name is, Billy The Chihuahua. I live in a beautiful house with my human mom and dad. I am a little over 4 months old and weigh 4.6 pounds. My mom says when she first got me I was only 2.4 pounds. I can't imagine ever being that small!

I spend most of the day sleeping, playing, eating and tricking my people into taking me outside to do my "business". Not in that order.

I like to eat bugs and chase leaves. I live on a golf course and always bark at the golfers who get to close to my house. I don't like them to encroach on my property.

I hear my mom coming, so I better get going before she yells at me for being on the laptop. You step on the keys ONE time, jam it up and they never let you near it again!


p.s I posted a picture of my first day with my humans.