Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Jig is up!


I really played up my injury, today. I made mom carry me everywhere! If she left my sight I whimpered until she picked me up and carried me while she did her stuff.

I simply REFUSED to walk. It was a splendid day of spoiling and coddling.

The jig was up when dad came home and I jumped off the sofa and ran up to him and danced. After that mom refused to give me extra spoils since I tricked her.

Xo - Billy Boy

Monday, August 2, 2010

Paw Injury

Last night at the park I hurt my paw. Mom and Dad did not notice until we got home and I was limping. I wasn't in any major pain but they examined me and found out that I tore the pad off my paw. Mom soaked it in water and put a bandage on it.

I went to the vet today and they cleaned it up, cut off the pad and bandaged me up!  I am now on restriction from the park, walking outside and playing too much.

Life is going to be a bit difficult the next few days...